iPhone 5 / Verizon 4G – No Bars / 3g No Service Fix

You’ve got a iPhone 5 that reports that it has 4g LTE service but 0 bars and, if you turn off LTE, it reports  No Service under 3g.
The fix, turn off all roaming . Settings > Cellular > Cellular Data Options > Roaming – Turn off all settings here.


  1. Ellen

    I experienced the same issue today and Verizon people couldn’t help me. I followed the above instructions and it worked. Thanks a bunch

  2. Donny

    Thanks not sure how my voice roaming was turned on but it’s off now and everything is normal! I thought I was going to have to buy another phone, thanks for this info! It worked for me!

  3. Steven

    Oh my goodness, thank you so much! You solved my huge issue…so easily!! I am so thankful!

  4. Sean

    You are my hero! I thought I was going to have to buy a new phone. What a relief!!

  5. Kim

    Thanks so much! I had a problem with my phone and now it’s fixed. I really appreciate it.

  6. Bill

    I have an iPhone 5 and have been trying to find a solution for this issue. All aspects of the iPhone work, except for being able to make or receive phone calls. Most websites simply rehash what Apple Support suggests, including removing the SIM card and/or resetting the phone. Removing the SIM card on the iPhone 5 requires removing the back cover. A special screwdriver is needed, which most people do not have – a Pentalobe screwdriver (0.8 mm). Continuing to search for a solution, I ran across this site. I turned off ROAMING and immediately regained my signal strength. I turned ROAMING back on, and it is still showing four out of five dots for signal strength. Apple’s gurus should be aware of this simple fix and add it to their support page as an option to try. Thank you, Mr. Dotson, for posting this information.

  7. Rob Albino

    Thank You Chad!
    Called Verizon last night and of course they told me “I need a new phone” thanks to your wisdom my iPhone5 is back-What a relief!

  8. Christina Dayton

    Thank you! Fixed my phone too as of 8/5/19! No new phone for me!

  9. Andrea

    Thanks a bunch for this info! I had a minor freak out moment 🙂 phone is able to make calls now.

  10. Sam V.

    You da man. This was a problem I’d been having for hours (rebooted iPhone several times, reset network settings, removed and re-inserted SIM card, then googled for more information, read more instructions etc.). It took me 5 seconds to change the Roaming setting per your instruction and viola, it works !!!!
    May your tribe increase.
    P.S: I did NOT want to call Verizon, I would be put on hold for for God knows how long, and probably to only hear them tell me how old my iPhone was and that it was time to get a new one. Thanks.

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