New Nikon D5000

I finally took the plunge and ordered a Nikon D5000 DSLR this week.  I'd been holding off buying one due to the recall on the first production serial numbers.  After contacting Amazon and learning that they have received replacement stock, I made the order.  I received it mid-day yesterday and…

Local Photos from 9/4/2009

Here are some photos I took yesterday out around Woods Reservoir and the Elk River. [singlepic id=992 w=100 h=75 float=left] [singlepic id=993 w=100 h=75 float=left] [singlepic id=994 w=100 h=75 float=left] [singlepic id=995 w=100 h=75 float=left] [singlepic id=996 w=100 h=75 float=left] [singlepic id=997 w=100 h=75 float=left] [singlepic id=998 w=100 h=75 float=left]…

One Way Trip To Mars

I heard this week that someone was proposing that any expeditions to Mars be a one way trip for the astronauts. While it could definitely have its advantages such as putting colonization of Mars on the fast track, one big problem remains....its a one way trip. Maybe we are in…

EeePC Upgrades and Eeebuntu!

I just finished my EeePC overhaul.  In addition to the default Linux distribution sucking on the EeePC, the stock SSD is as slow as Christmas, the stock SSD is only 4gb, and only had 512mb of memory. For this mod, I used the following components: Kingston 1GB 200-Pin DDR2 SO-DIMM…

Tinkering With an EEEPC 900 Part 1

I just bought a replacement SSD and memory stick for my EEEPC 900.  Turns out it uses a mini pcie sata connector and those drives aren't priced too badly for the smaller capacities.  I'm planning on loading EEEBuntu on it this weekend.  I'll have another report on the status of…

New Lightning Photo

I captured this photo during the storm tonight.  It has to be one of the most vivid and smooth I've taken to date.  I kinda wished the exposure had lasted at least another few seconds though.  Right after this photo completed, another bolt struck right were mid-frame would be. [singlepic…