A Better AsyncTestCase for Python

If you need asynchronous support in python unit tests, there are a few possibilities.  A simple google search points you to a few packages, one being tornado.  Tornado's tornado.testing.AsyncTestCase seems straight-forward.  However it does have a shortcoming: it's not thread-safe.  Trying to use it with a thread will result in…

Automating Pylint with Gulp.js

Automating Pylint (and other Python Tasks) can be achieved with several viable python-based methods, but what if we used Gulp.js?  The following code snippet gathers runs Pylint on the set of python files defined by pySource. var gulp = require('gulp'), shell =  require('gulp-shell'); gulp.task("pylint", function() { log('Linting with pylint ->…

Programming Progress

“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” - Bill Gates I have that quote on my instant messenger. I found out Friday that someone had saw and used it. Its good that someone found it useful. It's a very valid point to…