John Payne Dotson and Family

I received this picture from another descendant of John Payne Dotson last week.  I was very glad to receive such a piece of family history since I don't have any pictures that far back.  This picture was taken either late 1800s or very early 1900s since John Payne, pictured sitting…

Comet Lulin

Don't forget, Comet Lulin is supposedly visible to the naked eye tonight (Monday).  Check the link below at Sky and Telescope for a map of the comet for the whole month.  If in need, download Stellarium to findout exactly where to look. On Monday night February 23, in a moonless…

Sewanee Photos From 02.08.2009

I took these photos with my Canon A720 IS last night up in Sewanee.  I also broke out an old Canon AE-1 SLR and took some pics with it before and after dark.  Its my first time using it so we’ll have to see how they turn out.  Of course, they won’t be back from developing until Saturday afternoon.

Kite Photography

I watched a pretty interesting video over at Make Magazine this morning about Kite Photography.  It really looks interesting and tempting.  I've embedded the video below. Kite Aerial Photography on MAKE: television from make magazine on Vimeo.