Ubuntu 9.10 Aptitude Fix

I encountered the following error in Aptitude after my Ubuntu 9.10 box fubar'd during an install.  The message given by synaptic is similar. Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status E: The package lists or status file could not be…

Recommended Applications

This article contains a list of free and/or open source applications I recommend for various tasks.  I use some of them, others come highly recommended.  This is current as of January 3, 2010.  I will periodically repost newer editions of this as needed.  Go to the next page for a full listing of applications.

R/C Starship Enterprise

I found this on Make.  This is a video of a R/C Enterprise "flying" underwater in a pool in Japan.  For more pictures and a description of the project, check out the original link at the end of this story. Original Story: http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/12/rc_starship_enterprise_flies_under.html

Augmented Reality Pool Table (ARPool)

I came across this video while browsing Make Magazines RSS feed.  This is an augmented reality pool table called ARPool created in the RCVLab at Queens University.  For more check out the original Make Magazine story at http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/09/augmented_reality_pool_pool_playing.html?CMP=OTC-0D6B48984890

EeePC Upgrades and Eeebuntu!

I just finished my EeePC overhaul.  In addition to the default Linux distribution sucking on the EeePC, the stock SSD is as slow as Christmas, the stock SSD is only 4gb, and only had 512mb of memory. For this mod, I used the following components: Kingston 1GB 200-Pin DDR2 SO-DIMM…

Tinkering With an EEEPC 900 Part 1

I just bought a replacement SSD and memory stick for my EEEPC 900.  Turns out it uses a mini pcie sata connector and those drives aren't priced too badly for the smaller capacities.  I'm planning on loading EEEBuntu on it this weekend.  I'll have another report on the status of…