Space Shuttle Discovery Reentry

The reentry of space shuttle Discovery will be visible from parts of Tennessee.  People should watch towards the north northeast horizon just after 7:34 central daylight time. Source: -- Space Shuttle's Rare Landing Approach to be Visible Across United States.


I found this online video series today.  I've only watched the first episode so far.  For an online series, it isn't bad. From Crackle: 1: Fubar

Atlas V Sonic Boom vs Sun Dog

This video was taken February 11, 2010 at the launch of the Solar Dynamics Observatory aboard an Atlas V rocket at Kennedy Space Center.  Notice what happens when the rocket entires the vapor layer containing the Sun Dog about 1:53 in.

January 29, 2010 Snow – Timelapse and Photos

Here are the timelapse I created of the snowstorm today. The timelapse was taken in Estill Springs, TN.  I've also included all the photos I took during the storm. They are a mix of Estill Springs and Tullahoma mostly.  A few are from cell phone cameras, the majority are from…

Ubuntu 9.10 Aptitude Fix

I encountered the following error in Aptitude after my Ubuntu 9.10 box fubar'd during an install.  The message given by synaptic is similar. Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status E: The package lists or status file could not be…