Atlas V Sonic Boom vs Sun Dog

This video was taken February 11, 2010 at the launch of the Solar Dynamics Observatory aboard an Atlas V rocket at Kennedy Space Center.  Notice what happens when the rocket entires the vapor layer containing the Sun Dog about 1:53 in.

New Night Sky Pictures

Here are my latest night sky pictures.  I took these December 10, 2009.  The brightest with the star streaks was about a 30 minute exposure.  The rest were around 15 second exposures with varying apertures and iso settings. [nggallery id=24]

One Way Trip To Mars

I heard this week that someone was proposing that any expeditions to Mars be a one way trip for the astronauts. While it could definitely have its advantages such as putting colonization of Mars on the fast track, one big problem remains....its a one way trip. Maybe we are in…

Comet Lulin

Don't forget, Comet Lulin is supposedly visible to the naked eye tonight (Monday).  Check the link below at Sky and Telescope for a map of the comet for the whole month.  If in need, download Stellarium to findout exactly where to look. On Monday night February 23, in a moonless…

The Replacement For The Hubble Space Telescope

The replacement for the Hubble is scheduled to launch in 2013.  The James Webb Space Telescope will have the ability to see further than Hubble and feature mirrors over 20 feet in diameter.  Its sunshield alone is bigger than a tennis court.  This new telescope will be situated about a…