F-22 Supersonic Vapor Cone

I found this photo on the Navy's website.  This is a F-22 Raptor's vapor cone (Prandtl–Glauert singularity is the scientific name).  It was taken during a supersonic flyby of the USS John C. Stennis in the Gulf of Alaska.

Robotic Crowdsourcing Experiment

I happened upon this page using stumbleupon.  Its actually a pretty neat experiment in crowdsourcing.  You can see the embedded video on page 2 of this article.

In New York City, we are very occupied with getting from one place to another. I wondered: could a human-like object traverse sidewalks and streets along with us, and in so doing, create a narrative about our relationship to space and our willingness to interact with what we find in it? More importantly, how could our actions be seen within a larger context of human connection that emerges from the complexity of the city itself? To answer these questions, I built robots.
via tweenbots | kacie kinzer.

MonoDevelop 2.0

I heard about this today.  I'm really impressed that they've brought it this far.  I'm going to have it install it on one of my virtualized linux installs and try it out. The MonoDevelop team is proud to announce the release of MonoDevelop 2.0. MonoDevelop is a GNOME IDE primarily…

Programmable Matter

Wow, it sounds like something out of Star Trek (see Hologram/Holodeck or maybe changeling might be more accurate), but Intel is claiming that “Programmable Matter” is 5 years away.  Whats more, from the commets they are making, these aren’t Holograms, these are actual objects with shapeshifting abilities.  See the next page for a video from CNN.

The Replacement For The Hubble Space Telescope

The replacement for the Hubble is scheduled to launch in 2013.  The James Webb Space Telescope will have the ability to see further than Hubble and feature mirrors over 20 feet in diameter.  Its sunshield alone is bigger than a tennis court.  This new telescope will be situated about a…

Interesting Twitter Feeds

Here are some Twitter Feeds of note in case any Twitter users reading this haven't found them yet.Google Reader Team: http://twitter.com/googlereader UStream: http://twitter.com/UstreamTV Alaska Mt Redoubt Feed: http://twitter.com/alaska_avo Wil Wheaton: http://twitter.com/wilw Brent Spiner: http://twitter.com/BrentSpiner Cobra Commander: http://twitter.com/CobraCommander Mars Rovers: http://twitter.com/MarsRovers LeVar Burton: http://twitter.com/levarburton Patrick Norton: http://twitter.com/patricknorton Leo Laporte: http://twitter.com/LeoLaporte Alex…

DTV Transition

Well, the Congress has now delayed the DTV transition from February 17 to June 12.  Let me ask you... What will be different then?  The answer may surprise you.  NOTHING.  That is if you don't count the amount of tax dollars going into it.  If you ask me this has…

Google Earth 5 and Related Items

Google Earth 5 is now in the wild.  My first impression after maybe 30-40 minutes of tinkering is thumbs up.  Overall it is now alot faster and feels as though the gui has been tweaked for speed.  Occasionally there is some slowness but I'm guessing that is a side effect…